Turn failing schools into success

Teachers must attract the attention of the student and immediately gain their trust.  In addition teachers must have something the students want.  Through innovative proven processes, this is accomplished and now student is taught to be proud of themselves, respective of background.  What one thinks of themselves matters.  End of Cycle has mastered this process and knows how to teach these effectively to other teachers.


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Refuge from abusive environment

Unfortunately, many of our students live in broken homes where physical and verbal abuse is prevalent.  Our staff is keen on recognizing symthems of abusive households and are trained to enter into this arena cautiously yet with a meticulous firm plan of intervention.  At times, some cases require an extreme extraction of the entire family from these abusive worlds.  End of Cycle has demonstrated success at a level worth exploring by all responsible for the education of our children.

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Many of our Students come from homes with parents that are incarcerated or in fear of deportation

In most cases, teachers are not trained in this field and in most cases, they did not sign up to be counselors, attorneys, defender of civil rights…they just want to teach.  At End of Cycle we recognize that teaching cannot be effective is the students are worried about the safety and the status of their parents.

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Let End of cycle be your partner in increasing the level of performance of our teachers and thus, of our students

End of Cycle has repeatedly gained the trust of students and through this, have turned many youngster’s lives around, away from the pipeline to prison and on a smooth road to success.  In the process, End of Cycle has gained the respect and support from parents, school systems, law enforcement, the court systems, the prison systems, and corporate partners that acknowledge that our staff, working along with their staffs, have improved the efficacy of our individual missions. 

So Call Us

So call End of Cycle, Pastor Ulysses Williams at 859-494-9288 or Isidro Garza, Jr. at 832-446-8647 and let us team up and save our children, we cannot afford not to.  Allow us to be an extension of the fine efforts that you are already dedicating for the betterment of our students.